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The Mission


Welcome! I'm Tanner Kennedy, Founder of The Science of Transformation. 

As a woman, you have a dream of who you want to become and the career or business you want to build.

The truth is ... some women's dreams become real, while others are never able to manifest.

Let’s talk about why so many women with amazing career and business goals often struggle to realize their dreams.

Career and business growth comes down to ONE thing…taking a honest look at where your mind is limiting your growth and then transforming those limits through...

- Releasing career trauma that stagnates career/business growth and causes burnout

- Eliminating habits & behaviors that waste valuable time and energy

- Building mental resilience & powerful career intuition

It's my mission to help you master the mindset framework needed to end the never-ending loop of stop-start failures that halt the expansion of your career and business and ultimately, your soul.

Core Areas of Knowledge

The Science of Transformation platform, helps entrepreneurs manifest personal and business transformation through the mastery of three core areas of knowledge including...

How To Breakthrough Mental & Emotional Barriers:
All entrepreneurs have mental & emotional barriers and beliefs that limit business growth. These barriers come from a combination of belief systems and trauma that have been personally experienced or even been intergenerationally passed down through our DNA via epigenetics. By understanding and mastering the skills needed to rewire your brain, you can begin to transform these limitations and manifest more success in business and life.

How To Develop Leadership Habits & Behaviors: We attract business opportunities, encounter synchronicities and create long-term success, based on the energy we emit. To experience a shift in your business and eliminate the cycle of burnout, it's vital to learn how to transform the habits and behaviors that limit your energy and vital life force. 

How To Develop Mental Resilience & Strength: Science has already proven that abilities beyond our physical 5 senses can be developed through the tool of meditation. Using meditation we are able to develop the ability to connect with our inner strength and faith, while also tapping into our intuition to help us sense unseen career and business opportunities. 

About Tanner

Welcome, I'm Tanner Kennedy, Founder of The Science of Transformation.

Like most people at the start of their career and business journey, I was vibrant, overflowing with energy and ready to take over the world.
Then life started to happen AND ALL AT ONCE!

While I was in the process of building my entrepreneurial dream, I experienced several big traumas including the loss of an immediate family member, the ending of a long-term romantic relationship and massive relational trauma with my immediate family as I forged my own identity and spiritual path. 

The overwhelm of all the trauma along with bad health and energy habits caused my nervous system to shut down and left me in a state of survival where I physically and emotionally couldn't do the work that needed to be done. My body would fight me when I tried to take action. The burnout I experienced eventually led to me losing my business, all my money and put me in serious debt.


Tanner Kennedy
Founder of The Science of Transformation
BA, Psychology, Stetson University
MSc, Cognitive Neuroscience & Neuropsychology, University of London
Certified Life Coach, RCI

For over more than a decade, I sought answers for what had happened and why I failed. This lead to me studying spirituality, energy, trauma therapy, epigenetics, meditation, habit change, neuroscience, quantum physics and more. 

From my studies, I discovered my nervous system had literally shut down parts of my brain and body, rendering me virtually helpless. Over time, I learned how to heal my body, rewire my brain, release trauma, transform my energy-sucking habits and connect to my higher power to tap into knowledge that aligned me with key opportunities and sometimes seeming "illogical" next steps that always lead to more expansion and success in both my career and life.   

While in the process of healing myself, I also carefully studied leaders and entrepreneurs while helping to build several businesses - some that succeeded and some that did not. During this time, I began to see the patterns and behaviors of the leaders who had long-term success versus those that didn't. 

Now, I have the honor and joy of teaching these skills to other female leaders, so you can transform your mind to grow a thriving, sustainable career or business as well!